At AccessNow we are passionate about changing the conversation about accessibility. For too long now, access has been associated with a medical model, and we are here to disrupt that pattern. Accessibility, to us, is about a mindset. Its a way of thinking and living. Accessibility can be fun, it can be sexy, and it can be desirable – just like every other good or product we want in our lives. So its time to shake things up. That is why we are so excited about our this latest feature with VICE, and it seems that we are not alone, with our video reaching over 1 million views this week.
Over the last couple days we have been overwhelmed by the amount of positive feedback and support from the community. You guys are seriously the best. Together we are getting word out there, creating awareness for the importance of accessibility…and ultimately just showing that people with disabilities actually do things (surprise surprise).
Join in this movement by sharing what you know about places in your community and around the world…and lets do this!

Are you developing an android app? Hope so.
I don’t use apple systems. Is there an app for android?
Our Andriod App is in the works! Stay tuned this 2017.
Do you see this tool as competing with, or complementing, the Planat tool developed by the Rick Hansen Foundation?