

an asian woman sitting in a wheelchair and a white man both look at a mobile phone while inside a grocery store

AccessNow Verified

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We are mapping parks and trails to empower people with disabilities to discover the accessible outdoors. Learn more about promoting safe and inclusive adventures for all.

a woman using a power wheelchair and two standing people smile mid conversation. behind them is a series of bike shares.

Mapping Our Cities For All

We are mapping cities for all. Click to learn more about our MOCA Research initiative.

a group of interabled people walk down a city sidewalk, some hold signs that say "you had me at accessible"


An educational event that puts the power of action in your hands, MapMissions bring people together to review places in real-time and change the world.

adult woman with pink hair and glasses uses her laptop on her lap while sitting in her wheelchair at home.

The AccessStudio

In the AccessStudio, we’re shaping accessibility education for the 21st century. Our approach is simple: Learn by doing. With modern, relevant content and experiential learning opportunities, we’re shaping the next generation of accessibility advocates and allies.

Join our mission. Get Started Today.