As the world responds to the outbreak of COVID-19, there is an immediate need to support each other to get through this time. We’ve heard from you and we know that finding access to essentials during this difficult time can be challenging.
Leaning on what we know how to do best at AccessNow, we have been working quickly to provide a supportive response to our community.
Today we are excited to introduce our Access From Home initiative.
Recognizing that many of us are unable to leave our homes right now, we are focused on idenifying businesses that are “Accessible From Home.” Whether it be grocery delivery, online services, or anything else, our goal is to help you sort and discover places that meet your needs.

If you see the “Access From Home” label, you can trust that we have validated from-home availability of goods or services from the businesses listed.
We’ve started with a basic list, but our work here has just begun. Our goal is to build a comprehensive guide: Groceries, Healthcare, Entertainment, Education and much more. Over the next few days and weeks, we will continue to update the Access From Home index.
We invite you to help be part of the solution too. If you’ve recently discovered a great company (local or abroad) that is offering services at home, we’d love to hear about it. Contribute by sharing what you know and help grow this initiative to support our community.

Do you own or know of a business offering services at home? Contribute to the initiative to help us share more with the community!