Mapping Our Cities For All
A Research Study on City Accessibility from the Perspective of People with Disabilities

How Accessible Are Our Cities?
One billion people live with a disability around the world today, yet we don’t have enough data to understand how accessible, or rather inaccessible, our cities actually are. It’s time we tackle this problem.
Explore the comprehensive research findings in Mapping Our Cities For All that sheds light on the state of accessibility in cities across Canada.
Read The Mapping Our Cities for All Report
Data Points
places rated
Mapping Hours
The MOCA Model
Step 1
AccessNow teams reviewed the accessibility of commercial and public spaces across Ottawa, Vancouver and Calgary, creating the world’s largest disability mapping event in history.
Step 2
In collaboration with research partners we analyzed information from our mappers to derive observations about how accessible each city is based on a variety of features.
Step 3
Now, we are sharing our findings and results on the state of accessibility within the three Canadian cities we’ve mapped to engage the community and foster further learning.

Nothing Without Us
Inclusive radical change is not possible without incorporating the diverse perspectives of people with disabilities. True to this belief, the MOCA Project was inspired by, co-created, and developed in partnership with disabled people.
Our stories are assets in driving forward the mission for a more accessible and inclusive world.

Proudly in Partnership
We extend our gratitude to the partners who made MOCA possible.
Together, we’re making strides toward an inclusive Canada.
List your place on AccessNow
Show up for visitors by showcasing insights about the accessibility of your business. Claim your free listing simply by adding your own review or get AccessNow Verified to begin engaging with our community today.
Become an Access Mapper
Our folks on the ground, Access Mappers are key in this operation. Mappers are tasked with reviewing the accessibility of places throughout a city on AccessNow app based on personal lived experience.
Volunteer within your city
Our movement grows by building a worldwide community. Having many folks engaged is one of our keys to success. We’ve got tons of ways to pay-it forward and no contribution is too small to make a difference.

Stay Connected
Accessibility is a journey, not a destination.
To stay relevant, the data and dialogue we engage in must remain dynamic and reflect the diverse lived experiences of disability everywhere.
Have questions, feedback or have something to share?
We’d love to hear from you.
Ready to join the movement?
Help us make the world a more accessible place by sharing
your own reviews on AccessNow app.